An evening full of drinks and canapés, with interactive speeches by some fantastic, inspiring and exciting speakers, who will share their success stories, to energise and motivate you, so that you can fulfil your aspirations and get ahead in the world of work. There will be ample scope to meet and greet some of industries top most corporates, finest entrepreneurs, entertainers, professionals, social organisations and MPs. Make sure that you put your best foot forward, and get ready to network! Time: 6:30-8:30pm. Age:16+
This afternoon will involve various discussions and mentoring opportunities on importance of thinking outside the box, how to use social media to sharpen your entrepreneurial skills, how to develop ideas, transform them into a business & offer financial tips, interview techniques, preparations & tips, team building exercises, how to develop leadership & interpersonal skills and much more. Time: 12-4pm. Age: 15-30/students.
To register, Email: by March 2nd 2014