Climate Change: Building the Will for Action with Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The United Nations, churches, investors, security experts and environmentalists come together to highlight the pressing importance of collective action on climate change.
Christiana Figueres will share her views at St Paul’s Cathedral on the challenges faced, highlighting what faith communities, the City and the UK at large can do to help. A panel of distinguished speakers will identify the impact of climate change on their sector and, along with questions from the audience, help to build the will for political action.
Panellists include Rear Admiral Neil Morisetti (former UK Climate and Energy Security Envoy) and Dr Tony Juniper (Author and Environmentalist). Investment speaker TBC.
Chaired by Bishop James Jones (former Bishop of Liverpool).
Wednesday 7th May, 6.30pm. Doors open at 6pm.
Entry is free and all are welcome.
For updated information on speakers and to register for tickets please visit: