Furthermore, 76% believe that Sikhs uphold the human rights of others in society
The seventh annual British Sikh Report (BSR) has been launched. It is the only robust strategic document of its kind. Based on the results of a survey of almost 2,500 Sikhs throughout the country, it aims to provide quantitative data about the British Sikh community at large.
One of the topics this year’s report has focussed on is organ donation. The key findings are:
- 95% of Sikh women and 93% of Sikh men would respect the wishes of a family member wanting to donate their organs after their death
- 40% of Sikhs stated that they were registered for organ donation or carry an organ donor card
Other key findings include:
- 85 of Sikhs believe that events such as the Jallianwala Bagh massacre should be taught at school
- 42% of Sikhs would consider adopting Sikh children, and 29% would consider adopting non-Sikh children
- One in ten Sikhs (11%) lives in a household that includes somebody with dementia or Alzheimer’s, whilst 62% of Sikhs living with dementia or Alzheimer’s are looked after by their family
- Three out of four Sikhs (76%) believe that the community upholds the human rights of others in society
It is hoped that the report will help raise awareness of various issues within the Sikh community as well as lead to improved resources and services available specifically for British Sikhs.
Jasvir Singh OBE, chair of the British Sikh Report, commented, “It’s heartening to know that the vast majority of Sikhs would respect the wishes of family members becoming organ donors after they die. Organ donation is a huge issue, and the change in the law in having to ‘opt out’ of the donor register will have great implications in the longer term, but family members will still be able to refuse the donation even after the law changes. Hopefully, the British Sikh Report will help encourage people to think twice before preventing a loved one from donating their organs.”
Pat McFadden, MP for Wolverhampton South East, said “I am very grateful for this research. This is not only a resource for the Sikh community. I hope it is widely read by Government departments, Local Authorities, policy makers, anyone who wants a greater understanding as to what the attitudes within the Sikh community are.”
Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell MP, said “Each year, the Report focuses on a different aspect of life, and each year it is absolutely revelatory. What’s good about each year of the Reports that have come out is that it’s produced a campaign around a particular issue as well, or supported a particular campaign. I think the organ donation one is so critical, and the stories we have heard tonight have been moving.”
Jagdev Singh Virdee MBE, the editor of the British Sikh Report, added “In addition to organ donation, we have collected data on other key issues that are often not spoken about in the community, such as adoption and fostering, disability, mental health and suicide, alcohol and drug consumption. We are extremely grateful to the whole team of professionals that have contributed to putting the report together and shedding light on these issues.”
The document was launched at a Parliamentary event on 23rd April 2019 co-hosted by Pat McFadden MP and the Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP, and MPs from across the political spectrum, as well as grassroots community activists and many others, discussed the findings within the British Sikh Report and the challenges regarding organ donation within the Sikh community.