The CHN continues its OCHS talks series with a discussion with Dr Nick Sutton on the idea of ?Hindu life rules?.
?Where?s Your Sharia??
Presented by Dr Nick Sutton, OCHS
One of the traditional functions of religion has been to provide communities of believers with rules and guidelines that dictate how they should live their daily lives, the most obvious examples being Islamic Sharia and the Jewish Law.? But what rules are Hindus obliged to follow and is there any source they can look to for guidance on matters such diet, marriage, sexuality, personal relations etc?? In this talk, Nick Sutton will explore these questions and the different answers to them that might be considered.
Date: Thursday 21st April 2011. Doors open at 6pm; introductions and talk 6:45pm ? ?8:00pm; networking 8pm ? 9pm
Venue: Ernst & Young offices,?1 More London Place, London SE1 2AF?(closest tube station London Bridge)
Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided.
RSVP: Registration is essential at infocityhindusnetwork
uk. You will not be able to gain entry without registration.
Full details will appear here soon.
The OCHS is an institute for the?study of Hindu culture, religion, languages, literature, philosophy,?history, arts, and society, in all periods and parts of the world.
About the Speaker:
Dr Nicolas Sutton is from Birmingham, England. As Director for the OCHS?s Continuing Education, Nicolas is responsible for the development and accreditation of courses, teaching provision, assessment of course work, online provision, and publications. He also teaches and offers tutorials for students of the OCHS? Hindu Studies Certificate Course.
Dr Nicholas Sutton obtained his BA Degree with First Class Honours from the Department of Theology at the University of Birmingham in 1991. He gained his Phd from Lancaster University in 1995, submitting a doctoral thesis on the religious teachings of the Mahabharata. From 1995 to 2001, Dr Sutton was Full Time Lecturer in Eastern Religions at Edge Hill University College and he currently lectures in Religious Studies for the Open University, and in Hinduism for the University of Nottingham. Dr Sutton has contributed a number of articles on the Hindu tradition to academic journals, as well as chapters in edited books. In 2000, his extensive work on epic theology entitled ?Religious Doctrines in the Mahabharata? was published by Motilal Benarsidass in Delhi. He is currently working on a translation and extended study of the Mahabharata?s Moksha-dharma-parvan, and researching material for a book exploring the links between the Bhagavad Gita and the Mahabharata. His work has also brought him into close contact with the Hindu communities in the North of England where he worked with Preston College and the local temples in organising courses of study in Hindu scripture and Hindu religious practice.
Click here to view the OCHS and Dr Nick Sutton?s lecture videos online, including on the Bhagavad-Gita, readings from the Puranas, views on the Mahabharat, and readings from the Vedas and Upanishads.