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* Every woman?s right to learn: Setting the agenda for women and learning

March 7, 2011 @ 9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Date: 7th March 2011
Venue: Methodist Central Hall, Storey?s Gate, Westminster, London SW1H 9NH
Ref: C2051/0311
Fee: Attendance is free
Contact: NIACE Events Team (events@niace.org.uk) Tel: 0116 204 2833
Apply: Online http://www.niace.org.uk/eml/register.aspx?event=C2051%2F0311
Apply: By Post/Fax http://www.niace.org.uk/sites/default/files/EveryWomansright020211.pdf


* 17% gender pay gap between fulltime working women and men (Source: Unison factsheet #21 ? women and public spending cuts)
* Following the General Election in May 2010, 143 women MPs were elected out of a total of 650 MPs (22%) (Source: Government Equalities Office)
* 1 in 5 women acting as unpaid carers for adult family members (Source: Unison factsheet #21 ? women and public spending cuts)
* The educational achievement of women prisoners is lower than for male prisoners. Only 39% have any qualifications, compared to 82% of the general population. (Source: http://www.womeninprison.org.uk/statistics.php)
* Women represented 85% of full time teachers in nursery and primary schools in 2001/2 (Source: Office for National Statistics)

In the 100 years since the first International Women?s Day gender equality has significantly improved but is still very evident in 2011 as the above statistics illustrate.

Learning provides a way for women of all ages and backgrounds to fulfil their potential, develop their skills for work and leisure and bring up children. However, 2011 will present many challenges for ensuring women have the right to learn and improve their lives.

At this conference celebrating the 100th International Women?s Day you will hear from a range of speakers on the day including keynote speaker Dame Gail Rebuck, Chair and CEO of Random House Publishers. Young women learners will also discuss the role learning has played in transforming their lives and the challenges they have encountered.

This is an interactive day where you will contribute to a manifesto that will outline the role learning has in improving equality for all women regardless of their age, status, health, ethnicity and sexuality.


This one day conference will be the start of a campaign that recognises the importance of learning in women?s lives and the development of a manifesto for women?s learning in the UK. Those attending the conference will:

* Contribute to the development of a manifesto for women?s learning in the UK which will be launched later this year
* Identify practical ways to use this manifesto in their own workplace to reduce inequality and secure rights for women learners
* Celebrate the achievements of women learners and hear suggestions for continuing this celebration in the workplace.


All women and men who have a commitment to reducing gender gaps in learning and skills.


09:30 Arrival and registration (tea/coffee available)
10:15 Welcome and introduction to the day
10:30 Round table discussions
11:00 A conversation with Dame Gail Rebuck, Chairman and Chief Executive, Random House
11:30 Panel
12:15 Round table discussion
13:00 Lunch
13:45 Market place
14:30 Round table groups
15:15 Participants score their top priorities
15:30 Facilitator reads out the top ten
15:45 Groups develop ideas how to use the charter
16:00 Next steps and close

Event Information

* Arrival and registration is at 9:30am for a 10:15am start. The event will end at 4:00pm
* Attendance is free
* Places will be allocated in order of receipt of completed application forms (one form per person)
* Places can be reserved online via: www niace.org.uk/events Alternatively completed and signed application forms can be faxed or posted to NIACE by the closing date. Reservations by telephone cannot be accepted
* Application forms are individually acknowledged by e-mail. Joining instructions, including map and directions, will be e-mailed out one week before the event
* Participants should be prepared to take their own notes as there will not be handouts for all sessions.
* If you have not received an e-mail confirming your attendance and joining instructions 4 working days before the event please contact:
NIACE Events Team
Tel: 0116 204 2833
Fax: 0116 285 9670
E-mail: events@niace.org.uk

Application Conditions

Event: Monday 7 March 2011
Closing Date: Thursday 24 February 2011

* Substitutions are to be advised 5 working days prior to the event
* A 10 working days notice period is required for provision of electronic note-takers, sign language interpreters and transcription to Braille
* NIACE reserves the right to reject applicants who are not from the target audience list.

Check for updates http://www.niace.org.uk/campaigns-events/events/every-womans-right-to-learn


March 7, 2011
9:30 am - 4:00 pm


Methodist Central Hall
Storey?s Gate SW1H 9NH United Kingdom + Google Map