Healing Sound Course with Prof. Surinder Singh
This unique course will offer an introduction into the basic techniques and methodologies practiced within Sound Healling, taking you on a journey of understanding Naad in a deeper context. The philosophy we will share roots from the tradition of Guru Nanak who healed many through His Divine Naad. The course will explore the history, the ancient practices and traditions of Raags from Siri Guru Granth Sahib within a healing context and the practical application of Naad Yoga and Sound Therapy.
Module 1: 08 – 09. Feb 2014, London (UK)
The Body of Sound: using sound to create physical balance;
Module 2: 05. – 06. April 2014 London (UK)
Sound and the Psyche: Exploring how sound influences our emotions, reactions and reflexes
Module 3: 14. – 15. June 2014 London (UK)
Heal your Soul: Bringing together the cleansing of Body, Mind and Soul to start your healing journey
For more details and registration, please go to www.naadyogacouncil.com