Friday 22nd June – Sunday 24th June
The SfCM is for people who are between 18 to 30 years and are connected to a community ? in terms of a locality, club, cause, nonprofit organisation, place of worship, or social enterprise network), at a crucial decision-time in their lives
The SfCM group will draw people from across the UK and abroad who have different backgrounds, interests and experience. This diversity, far from being a weakness will provide a key strength of the course.
Each day will commence with a full gathering of course members, who will be addressed by one or more individuals who have a powerful story to tell of how they have been able to effect real change, in a significant area such as the world of business; Social Entrepreneurism; through Politics or political action; in the context of environmental issues; in community action; within the field of education or by discovering their own identity and calling in the world. These sessions will be inspirational, motivating participants and assuring them of the possibilities for real change.
During the day, by following their learning tracks participants will reflect the themes of the morning, students will acquire the skills and knowledge which will help them to translate the dreams inspired by the morning meetings into effective action in their chosen sphere.
Throughout the course, members? reflections on their progress and on their future aspirations will be supported by their membership of a community of about ten of their fellow scholars. The support of this community will be vital to the very real transformation which will take place.
Evening sessions will have an artistic focus on activities such as music, dance, film and story telling, and will enhance the interaction of course members, as well as facilitate further their own development.
Drawing inspiration from IofC?s centre in Caux, Switzerland, a special characteristic of the School for Changemakers is its community life, which enables participants and faculty to have greater ownership of the conference. Participants are invited to form Communities of around 10 people. These Communities have an important role as discussion groups for members and also as teams which contribute to some of the practical tasks of the School
On the course, participants will engage and quiz leaders from the worlds of politics, faith business, education, environmental sustainability and community cohesion. They will also visit local places of change, share personal challenges in communities and work together on dilemmas to challenge each others? perspectives.
They will also have the option of exploring the inner dimensions of change as reflected in the world’s major faith traditions.
It is envisaged that after the course, participants will stay in touch and keep the SfCM experience going.
Participants can expect to:
Develop the skills and self awareness to be effective leaders at work , home and in the community
Take insight and inspiration from experienced leaders who are leading complex change – in many different ways – at work and in society
Learn from and develop friendships with other participants from a diverse range of backgrounds, interests and experience.
Explore next steps in life in an empowering space
Connect personal values and priorities with the needs of communities, country and world
Network with peers and outstanding leaders with a track-record of leading social change
Receive opportunities for further experience e.g. international internships, education, more training