Sikh Channel TV
This channel will primarily provide education and religious programming for Sikhs and non Sikhs alike. The channel will be the first National Broadcast TV station to focus upon the essence of Sikhism providing a national television platform free to air for the Sikh Faith. This unique offering will attract huge interest and a large audience.
Our Broadcast will with your assistance provide interesting, diverse and informative television which will be accessible to all members of society dealing in detail with Sikhism.
Offering a wide variety of spiritual programming, including Kirtan , Katha, Religious Discourse, Chat shows and Children’s programming the content of our broadcast will feature Sikhism at its core.
The Sikh Channel will always remain a free service with no subscription charges and is intended to educate and inform both Sikhs and Non-Sikhs.
This is the first dedicated Sikh Religious channel in the world and thus will attract attention from all over the globe. There is a undeniable need for a positive representation of Sikhs in the Media and The Sikh Channel will fulfil this objective with your support.
If you would like to support this project, to advertise, sponsor programmes or take programming airtime please email